Make Money with AI Monday

Who is profiting from AI??

Dear AI nuts,

The other day I was talking to my dad…

He’s in his late 60s and has no idea what ChatGPT is or the AI revolution...

Telling him that I worked with AI developers as my main full-time job…

He was intrigued when I told him what AI can do.

Explaining the following tips, each time he was in awe…

“Yeah,” I said “it can take all the stats from your business and make you a sustainable 5-year plan based on current trends”…Wow! (my dad is a businessman)

“Yes, it can sum up how to travel fastest between Lyon and Paris”…Wow! (my dad is French)

“Yes, it can compare Padre Pio to Pope John Paul II in 6 sentences”... Wow! (my dad is very Catholic)

“Ok,” he said, “But who is making money from this?”

Like many people, my dad is fearful of change…

It feels like a recession, but AI companies are booming!

He has no idea how to make money off this or even who is…

But with great change comes opportunity.

So let’s start this “Make Money with AI Monday” right and see who is collecting from the AI revolution this Monday, May 20th

1) The AI Tech Giants: Established technology giants like Alphabet, Microsoft, and Nvidia provide direct exposure to cutting-edge AI innovations, as these companies integrate AI into their products and services while driving industry breakthroughs.

Here are the giants’ gains:

Over the past 6 months, Alphabet’s stock has risen 29% and is valued at $177.97. Over the past 6 months, Microsoft’s stock has risen 12.5% and is valued at $424.76. Over the past 6 months, NVIDIA’s stock has risen 88% and is valued at $947.79.

2) AI Startups: AI startups offer the potential for higher returns, albeit with higher risk, as these companies are at the forefront of innovation in areas like healthcare diagnostics and autonomous vehicles.

Here are some of the best in the industry and their gains:

 Over the past 6 months, Soundhound AI’s stock has risen 140% and is valued at $5.35. Over the past 6 months, AeroVironment’s stock has risen 52.5% and is valued at $195.82. Over the past 6 months, Symbiotic’s stock has risen 16.3% and is valued at $43.22.

3) AI ETFs: AI-focused exchange-traded and index funds provide a diversified and less risky way to capitalize on the AI industry's growth. These funds bundle stocks from companies deeply engaged in AI.

Here are three of the most popular and their gains:

Over the past 6 months, IGPT’s stock has risen 25% and is valued at $45.42. Over the past 6 months, CHAT’s stock has risen 19.4% and is valued at $35.71. Over the past 6 months, AlEQ’s stock has risen 16% and is valued at $35.89.

Now, we are in no way telling you to invest in any of these, but it is important to keep a pulse on these BIG THREE Profiteers of AI…

Keep in touch with us to see what’s going on every Monday while this story unfolds.


Hey guys,

Mark here…

This new ChatGPT is bananas…

I mean crazy new stuff…

Like creating a video game, just using GPT4…

I’m talking about instant coding…

And instant tutoring for your kids…

It’s amazing and all available to you NOW!

Check it out today.