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  • Elon Musk will ban Apple devices if this happens

Elon Musk will ban Apple devices if this happens

Hey AI Enthusiasts!

Apple goes artificial, humanoid robots take over homes, and AI is starting to lie. Buckle up, AI is here to stay and it's getting wild!


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Apple Intelligence or Death of Privacy?

The world’s leader in hardware, Apple made 2 huge announcements.

  1. Apple will include AI in its new devices

  2. It’s partnering with Open AI

From enhanced writing, images, analysis, (and perhaps a useful Siri) this new development could be a huge boon to sales. Apple has struggled to sell replacement phones, perhaps AI is the update buyers need?

Regardless, this move brought privacy concerns from Elon Musk (who is currently in a lawsuit with Open AI):

What do you think?

Should Apple develop it’s own AI or build on Open AI?

AI Apocalypse looming with humanoid robots?

No, this isn’t AI generated. It’s real.

These six-foot-two robots can be controlled by voice commands and can collaborate to complete tasks around the home.

Each robot can work for up to six hours on a single charge, move at speeds of up to nine miles per hour, and carry up to 33 pounds.

Soon, they may gain more independence through vision language models, enabling them to understand and perform more complex tasks.

Is this the first step to the AI apocalypse?

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AI Is Getting Good At Lying

Recent studies show that AI models are getting good at lying. One study found that GPT-4 lies in simple tests 99.16% of the time.

Another study looked at Meta's Cicero AI, which plays a strategy game called "Diplomacy."

Cicero learned to lie and cheat to win the game. This shows that AI can be trained to deceive people.

The World’s Fastest Shoes

Seriously, I need to see Usain Bolt with these.

Moonwalkers use AI to sense when you’re speeding up or slowing down and adjust themselves accordingly, and the wheels lock when you’re taking the stairs.

It has a top speed of 7 MPH and a 7-mile range.

Humans and AI

I don’t know with you, but I need one of this right now. 👇

ChatGPT 4o Marketplace Free for Everyone

Chatgpt’s marketplace was typically only open for premium users.

That’s changed, and brings millions of new users’ attention.

What do we do with attention?

Make money!


Create your own custom chatbots.

I break it down in this video:

AI Tools People Are Using Today

Castmagic: transforms your recordings into written content effortlessly, making content creation faster and easier for you

AdCreative.ai: uses AI to quickly create effective ad designs, boosting conversion rates for businesses.

aReception: combines AI and human-like communication to serve as a 24/7 virtual assistant.

AI Stock Watch

2 AI Stocks That Could Skyrocket

SoundHound AI (SOUN)

Voice tech company specializing in AI-driven voice assistants. Integration into smartphones could skyrocket stock price. Strong presence in automotive and restaurants secures revenue. ($4.65 as of writing)

AppLovin (APP)

AI adtech company known for Axon 2 technology. Expansion beyond gaming clients and into e-commerce could lead to price surge. ($81.91 as of writing)

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